Call 211 and speak with an information and referral specialist 24/7
Dial 211 from your cell phone or landline anywhere in Onondaga, Oswego, Jefferson, Lewis, or St. Lawrence County for free help locating important resources. However, if you have trouble connecting you can dial an alternate toll-free number: 1-844-245-1922.
Locating basic resources such as food, shelter, employment, or health care may mean calling dozens of phone numbers, then struggling through a maze of agencies and services to make the right connections. The 211 system helps residents find resources by dialing a simple three-digit number.
In July 2000 the Federal Communications Commission assigned the three-digit dialing code 2-1-1 for the exclusive purpose of providing widespread access to community information and referral services.
211 CNY brings together organizations in the community to better serve the residents of five counties: Onondaga, Oswego, Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence. 211 is a helpful starting point for areas with small fragmented rural communities that may not be as connected as bigger cities. Under a simple, easy to remember, three digit phone number, updated information is kept under national standards, and the call or use of the database is free and available 24/7.
Inclusion Exclusion Policy
Inclusion Exclusion Policy for Service Providers in the 211CNY Database Syracuse New York.