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Personal Care Supplies

Found 19 resources (displaying 1 - 10)

Basic Needs Pantry

826 Euclid Avenue
Syracuse, NY

Provides meals, hygiene products and cleaning products for those in need.

Belle Grove Missionary Baptist Emergency Food Pantry

219 Martin Luther King West
Syracuse, NY

Acquires dry and canned goods through donation and hands out food on an emergency basis only.  Receives and distributes household items, baby items and clothing, and personal toiletries when available. Clients must call ahead to make arrangements.

Community Services Program

808 West Broadway
Fulton, NY

Provides vital services to meet the basic needs of those in Oswego County. These services include assistance with medical cost, prescription drug cost, utility payments, diapers and baby formula, clothing and personal hygiene items, and furniture and household items depending on eligibility and …

Critical Support Program

247 Factory Street
Watertown, NY

Provides emergency assistance to individuals and families in need, including low-cost prom attire for teens.

Croghan Food Pantry

9794 Main Street
Croghan, NY

Provides food and household goods to those in need.

Downtown Emergency Food Pantry

264 East Onondaga Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides a food pantry for individuals in need.

First Baptist Church Clothing Ministry

30 Clinton Street
Jordan, NY

Offers clothing, baby items, personal hygiene items, small appliances, and kitchenware to individuals in need.

Human Concerns, Inc

85 East Fourth Street
Oswego, NY

Provides emergency food for individuals in need. Supplies 3 days of food, 3 meals daily, for each person in the household, every two weeks. Also provides clothing for winter and hygiene items when available.Thanksgiving 2024: Registration ends 11/4Pickup -  11/25 (Last name A - L) & 11/26 (Last …

Lowville Food Pantry Program

5502 Trinity Avenue
Lowville, NY

Provides food, personal care items, household items, and clothing for individuals in need.

Mary's Pantry at IHM

425 Beechwood Avenue
Liverpool, NY

Provides a food pantry, limited hygiene items, clothing, household items, and referral information.  

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