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Found 30 resources (displaying 1 - 10)

Adult and Children HCBS Services

1603 Court Street
Syracuse, NY

Adult services include pre-vocational services, supported employment, ongoing supported employment, education supports, psychosocial rehabilitation, family support and training, and habilitation.Children's services include psychosocial rehabilitation, pre-vocational services, caregiver family …

Adult and Continuing Education

40 West Main Street
Canton, NY

Provides adult and continuing education programs including basic educational services, high school equivalency preparation, and job readiness training.

Adult and Dislocated Worker Services

200 North Second Street
Fulton, NY

Provides services for individuals who have been laid off before the actual layoff date or immediately after to minimize or prevent the time out of the labor force. Assists with job search and relocation and offers workshops to assist workers to improve their job search skills. 

Adult Education

104 Cayuga Street
Fulton, NY

Offers career training programs, leisure learning opportunities, adult literacy classes, youth programs, and customized corporate training.

Bridges Program

425 Washington Street
Watertown, NY

Provides opportunities for individuals with mental health diagnoses to participate in various work units and educational areas.

Career and Technical Education

1879 West Genesee Street Road
Auburn, NY

Offers a range of full-time career training programs ranging from health occupations to computer technology. 

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

5836 NYS Route 12
Glenfield, NY

Provides occupational training to secondary students and adults. Designed to provide career exploration and community-based work experience to interested high school seniors throughout the North Country.

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

40 West Main Street
Canton, NY

Provides occupational training to secondary students and adults. Designed to provide career exploration and community-based work experience to interested high school seniors throughout the county.

Career Resource Center

110 Elwood Davis Road
Liverpool, NY

Provides job seeker and employer services, including career counseling, computer training, job fairs, and new employee recruitment services.

Day Habilitation and Prevocational Services

831 James Street
First Floor
Syracuse, NY

Supports individuals with significant behavior challenges. Participants are involved in on-site and volunteer activities that help them to improve their communication skills while minimizing their behaviors.

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