Jefferson County Adult Protective Services (APS)
Offers protective services in cases where an adult is at risk of harm and has no one who is able to responsibly assist them.
Eligibility: Individuals ages 18 years and older: - with a physical or mental impairment - who are at risk of harm either by their own or others' actions - who have no one willing or able to responsibly assist
Application Process: Call to report a concern/complaint
Required Documentation: None
Fees: None
Jefferson County
Business Line: 315-785-3210
Website: SocialServices/adult- services
250 Arsenal Street
Watertown NY 13601
Administrative hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 5 PM
July - August: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4 PM
Kevin Burgenstock
PSA Supervisor
Disabilities Access
Fully Accessible